“幔游”课题组 “Rocking Mantle”Group |
RMG Attended the 26th Goldschmidt Conference292
The 26th Goldschmidt Conference was held in Yokohama, Japan, from 26thJune to 2nd July, 2016. This conference is the highest-level annual conference among the international geochemistry society, which attracts the top geochemists and their research results across the world. The number of participants attending the 26th Goldschmidt Conference is over 4,000. Professor Li-Hui Chen, together with Dr. XunYu, doctoral candidates Jian-Qiang Liu and Xiao-JunWang attended this conference on the behalf of Rocking Mantle Group. Chen and Yu gave oral presentation while Liu and Wang gave poster presentation during the conference. Inthe afternoon of 27th June, Wang exhibited his poster titled “Lightmagnesium isotopic composition of intraplate potassic basalts from Northeast China” during the poster time. In the discussion of experts abroad, we not only presented recent advances in the application of magnesium isotopes, but also obtained a few good suggestions. Inthe afternoon of 29th June, Liu exhibited his poster titled “Melt-Rock Interaction on the Genesis of Potassic Basalts from Northeast China”, which summarizes the latest work published in Geophysical Research Letters. The exhibition drew broad concerns from leading experts as it successfully presented our latest work on intraplate potassic basalts. In the afternoon of 30th June, Prof. Chen gave an oral presentation titled “Heterogeneous Magnesium Isotopic Compositions of Oceanic Basalts” on Theme 04b, which exhibited our work on the genesis of heterogeneous magnesium (Mg) isotopic compositions of oceanic basalts. Inthe afternoon of 1st July, Dr. Yu gave an oral presentation titled “MagmaticRecharge Buffers the Isotopic Compositions of Continental Flood Basalts Against Crustal Contamination” on Theme 08b, which presented the study on how the magma chamber process controls the isotopic compositions of continental flood basalts. Rocking Mantle Group Attended the 26th Goldschmidt Conference Doctoral Candidate Jian-Qiang Liu’s Poster Presentation in the 26thGoldschmidt Conference Doctoral Candidate Xiao-Jun Wang’s Poster Presentation in the 26th Goldschmidt Conference
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